Coriolis 7

Sommaire :

In-situ data requirements for the GMES Marine Core Service - Report of a workshop organized by the European Environment Agency

The EuroSITES open ocean observatory network: a key ocean infrastructure and in situ data provider

Use of ProvBio floats to study the dynamics of suspended particles in river plumes: the Provpanache project.

Empirical correction of XBT fall rate

Geostrophic component of oceanic jets entering in the eastern Coral Sea observed with high-resolution XBT surveys (2008-2010)

Collecting and gridding complementary in-situ SST/SSS data for the calibration and validation of SMOS

How should the Argo array be extended to better monitor the Global Ocean heat content variability?

QuO Va Dis? The Mercator Ocean quarterly validation bulletin: recent developments and prospects.