
This page is dedicated to french scientific projects to whom Coriolis data centre (DAC) provide the decoding , realtime Quality control and distribution services.


Please click on the left menu projects titles to access each project page (you can also click the "read more" links below )



Coriolis is a Data Assembly Centre (DAC) for French and some Europeans Argo projects.


The role of a DAC is to collect, decode, control and distribute data from more than 200 profiling floats from 7 countries and 11 scientific projects. Coriolis manages 3 families of floats (Provor, Metocean, Apex) with a total of 17 different versions.


All float data managed by Coriolis DAC are distributed in real-time on ARGO GDAC (Global Data Assembly Centre) and GTS (the WMO global network) by way of Météo-France.


Novel Argo Ocean observing System

Coordinator: Pierre-Yves le Traon (Ifremer Brest)Project leaders at LOV: Fabrizio D'Ortenzio & Hervé Claustre

In order to better forecast effects of climate change, and to address within this context the possible consequences on Ocean functioning, it is necessary to continuously guarantee a global view relying on high-quality data acquisition on oceanic properties.


As a French initiative, the NAOS project contributes significantly to an international network called Argo. The latter maintains a fleet of profiling floats, basically equipped with physical sensors (temperature and salinity) that provide measurements of the Ocean interior (until ca. 2000 meters depth). Besides the contribution to Argo, NAOS will prepare the future. New floats with extended capabilities (e.g. deeper profiling, under-ice observations) will be developed. Furthermore, the ongoing developments at the OAO/LOV with respect to biological and biogeochemical floats will be strongly reinforced. As part of NAOS, OAO/LOV will focus on two key areas: the Arctic Ocean (collaboration with the Canada Excellence Research Chair, CERC, in Remote Sensing of Canada’s New Arctic Frontier, UMI Takuvik) and the Mediterranean Sea.


NAOS takes part in the program “Investissements d’avenir”, i.e. the French governmental call “Equipements d’Excellence (EQUIPEX) 2010”, operated by the National Research Agency (ANR).

Barcelona World Race

Barcelona World Race


1 Planet 1 Ocean -> 6901685

Neutrogena -> 6901696

Poujoulat -> 6901693

Gaes -> 6901691

Renault Capture -> 6901684

Spirit of Hungary -> 6901683

We are Water -> 6901694

Hugo Boss -> 6901686


A study and monitoring of the Indo-Atlantic connections. A process study and a contribution to CLIVAR - Southern Ocean


While the Southern Ocean dynamics is suspected to have a majr role in the global ocean circulation and present day climate, our understanding of its three-dimensional dynamics and variability, and the impact of such variability on the climate system is at best rudimentary.


The GoodHope project aims to partilally fill in this knowledge gap by periodic observations along a line betwween the African and the Antartic continents.
The objectives are fourfold:

  • A better understanding of Indo-Atantic interocean exchanges (in term of water masses, heat and fresh water budgets) and their impact on the global thermohaline circulation and present day climate
  • A better understanding oft the interocean exchanges on the local climate of the African continent
  • A monitoring of the variability of particular dynamical features of the Southern Ocean (Antartic Circumpolar current, frontal systems, ...)
  • A study of the local air-sea exchanges in the Agulhas retroflection region)
good hope


Monitoring the GoodHope transect ill be accomplished using a combination of the following observational tools: Altimetry, high density XBTs, XCTDs, profiling floats, subsurface floats, drifters, thermosalinographs.


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