Argo floats data and metadata are available through a series of web services.
These services may be used by third party portals to distribute Argo observations and other types of data.
Display an individual float's data and metadata
Use the WMO platform code as ptfCode variable.
Display an individual float's data and metadata in XML format
You may use the XML format to customize the floats display in your own portal.
Display all Argo floats
Display a group of floats
Argo profiles and trajectories data selection
Argo data are also available with various in-situ data such as moorings, buoys, ships, sea-mammals on Coriolis data selection.
All individual float's metadata, profile data, trajectory data and technical data
The ftp server organization and the NetCDF CF data format is described in the "Argo user's manual".
Argo profiles data on OpenDAP, OGC-WCS and http
The Ifremer Thredds data server allows data selection and data distribution in 3 protocols:
- OpenDAP : you may use Argo data directly from you desktop software (such as Matlab)
- OGC-WCS : you may use Argo data in OGC GIS compatible services
- http : downoad data files through internet http protocol
Argo data trough Oceanotron data server
Oceanotron aggregates and distributes oceanographic data through a series of protocols such as :
- OpenDAP
Argo data trough ERDDAP data server
ERDDAPaggregates and distributes oceanographic data :
Argo profiles data through GCMD-DIF protocol
The GCMD-DIF data description may be harvested by catalogues such as OAI (Open Archive Initiative).
Data harvested in a catalogue are distributed through various data portals.
Argo data through RDF and OpenSearch protocols
RDF is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. RDF has features that facilitate data merging even if the underlying schemas differ, and it specifically supports the evolution of schemas over time without requiring all the data consumers to be changed.
A description of the 9000 Argo floats and their million profiles is available from the Argo Global Data Assembly Centre (GDAC).
This description is used in data portals such as the EU ENVRI-GenesiDec project.