Web page dedicated to Coriolis Argo decoder

This web page provides additional information on the Coriolis Argo decoder available here.


Decoder version names

 The decoded is provided as a downloadable archive of Matlab code named “decArgo_yyyymmdd_nnnc.7z” where yyymmdd is the date of the version and nnnc its name.

 Note that the information provided on this page are related to decoder “decArgo_20190710_030a” (i.e. version ‘030a’, created on July 10th 2019).

 Note also that:

  • complete releases of the decoder always have nnnc with c = ‘a’;
  • partial releases of the decoder are named “decArgo_patch_yyyymmdd_nnnc.7z” with c = ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, etc. These archives are not available to external users but can be provided on demand (to;
  • the releases history is provided in the file “ application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet _argo_decoder_versions 36.31 kB”.


 Float types and versions that can be decoded by the Coriolis Argo decoder

 A Coriolis version number is assigned to each specific float type and version.

The file “decArgo_yyyymmdd_nnnc/decArgo_doc/decoder_user_manual/_CoriolisArgoFloatVersions_yyyymmdd.xlsx” provides the list of Coriolis float versions that can be decoded by the decoder.

The associated float user’s manuals can be found in “decArgo_yyyymmdd_nnnc/decArgo_doc/float_user_manuals/” or on the dedicated web page.


A decoder Id is associated to each Coriolis float version (also provided in _CoriolisArgoFloatVersions_yyyymmdd.xlsx).

This decoder Id is also present in the name of the Matlab functions to provide direct access to the dedicated code.

For example: the Matlab code “compute_DOXY_4_19_25.m” is used to compute DOXY for decoder Ids 4, 19 and 25 (thus for float Coriolis versions 4.4, 4.41 and 4.43).



Configuration parameters

 Each Argo float type and version has its own list of configuration parameters.

This list is thus associated to the concerned decoder Id (decId) and provided in “decArgo_yyyymmdd_nnnc/decArgo_soft/config/_configParamNames/_config_param_name_decId.json” file.


The list is created after a careful analysis of the float user’s manual and its related information. The result of this work is not provided in the decoder archive, you can find it below:

  • For Provor and Arvor floats

The lists of configuration parameters with their associated Argo labels are provided in files:

Note that CTS4_V1.xx_V2.xx refers to CTS4 for the Remocean project and CTS4_V3.xx refers to CTS4 for the AtlantOS project.

  • For Apex and Navis floats

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet Apex_config_item_list 49.16 kB file provides in:

  • “2.8.0_2.10.1_2.10.4” sheet: the list of configuration parameters for Apex APF11 floats and their associated Argo labels (in column ‘O’),
  • Other sheets: the lists of configuration parameters for apex APF9 and Navis floats; their associated Argo labels are provided in application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet Apex_Iridium_&_Navis_CONF_param_list 28.61 kB file (column ‘J’ of “All” sheet).
  • For Nova and Dova floats

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet Config_param_name_Nova_Dova 18.41 kB file provides the list of configuration parameters with their associated Argo labels (in column ‘G’).



Technical parameters

 Each Argo float type and version has its own list of technical parameters.

This list is thus associated to the concerned decoder Id (decId) and provided in “decArgo_yyyymmdd_nnnc/decArgo_soft/config/_techParamNames/_tech_param_name_decId.json” file.

 The list is created after a careful analysis of the float user’s manual and its related information. The result of this work is not provided in the decoder archive, you can find it below.

 The lists of technical parameters with their associated Argo labels are provided in the following files:


Data storage

 The policy of the Coriolis DAC is to store all received data in one of the files defined by the Argo format (or in auxiliary files for too specific information).

 For Provor and Arvor floats, data are transmitted in specific messages.

  • Data of parameter messages are used to determine the float configuration and stored in the META(_AUX) files;
  • Data of technical messages are stored in the TECH(_AUX) files or in the TRAJ(_AUX) files (see detail in files provided above for Provor and Arvor technical parameters);
  • Data of measurements messages (“descent”, “drift”, “ascent”, “near surface” and “in air”) are stored in the PROF(_AUX) and TRAJ(_AUX) files;
  • Data of hydraulic messages (pump or electro-valve actions) are stored in the TRAJ(_AUX) files.

 For Apex floats, a careful analysis of the transmitted data has been done, see:


Cycle timings

 For Provor and Arvor floats the hours and minutes of cycle timings are provided in technical messages (see detail in files provided above for Provor and Arvor technical parameters). The corresponding day must be computed by methods detailed in Argo DAC Trajectory Cookbook.

 Iridium versions of Apex floats directly provide cycle timings; for Argos versions they should be computed. See:


Measurement codes


The files provided below summarize the list of Measurement Codes stored in the TRAJ(_AUX) files for each float type and version:

If you need additional information please contact