Coriolis 5

Sommaire :

MyOcean kicked off for a 3-year challenging period

Processing and Quality Checks of Shipboard ADCP Data

Progress in Argo Delayed Mode Quality Control

In-Situ Delayed Mode at Coriolis Data Center: 1990-2007 Reference dataset

First Succes of ProvBio floats

A scientific team for the Coriolis Project

SSS-fronts properties deduced from TSG data in the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre

When satellite altimetry is called for to help on Argo quality control issues

Vertical variability of Near-Surface Salinity in the Tropics: Consequences for SMOS Calibration and Validation

Barrier Layer Variability in the Western Pacific Warm

Pool, as inferred from Argo floats during 2000-2007