Newsletter Coriolis 11.pdf
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Sommaire :
Coriolis 2014-2020: an integrated in-situ observation infrastructure for operational oceanography & ocean/climate research
Deploying Argo floats in the Barcelona Workd Race
The Euro-Argo ERIC officially set up
Assesment of the impact of Argo in ocean models & satellite validation from E-AIMS projet
Argo and SMOS SSS combination helps monitoring SSS variability from basin scale to mesoscale
French Pirata cruises S-ADCP data processing
TPOS2020: Tropical Pacific Observind System for 2020
Calibration of CTD oxygen data collected in the coral sea during the 2012 bifurcation cruise
Surface current field improvements – regional altimetry for SPURS
The GROOM project & the Glider European Research Insfrastructure