
Since Mid- 2005 Coriolis team has decided to inform you regularly on Coriolis activities and to give you opportunity to submit articles on scientific results to which Coriolis contributed somehow.


In 2010 Coriolis and Mercator decided to join their efforts in communication to users. Once a year in April, Mercator Ocean and Coriolis will publish a common newsletter merging the Mercator Ocean Newsletter on the one side and the Coriolis one on the other side that will be posted simultaneously on Mercator Ocean and Coriolis websites.


Some papers are dedicated to Ocean Observations only, when others display collaborations between the 2 aspects: Observations and Modelling/Data assimilation. The idea is to wider and complete the subjects treated in our newsletter, as well as to trigger interactions between Observations and Modelling communities.


To propose an article for the next new letter : click here

Coriolis n°2

Sommaire :

Coriolis and the GMES Marine Core Services

Coriolis contribution to Mersea 1st Targeted Operational Phase

First Glider experiment in collaboration with Mersea Project

Deployment plan for Coriolis in 2006-01-11

How to get ocean observations from Coriolis ?

Delayed Mode Quality Control on the ARGO floats

Use of the analysis system for monitoring the ARGO sensors drifts

Surface salinity drifters during the 2005 COSMOS experiment in the Bay of Biscay

Impact of the assimilation of Argo data in the Atlantic Mercator Operational Ocean Forecasting System


Coriolis n°1


The Coriolis Project

Coriolis Data Centre

Contributing to the Observing System

Coriolis real time analysis system : validation over the North Atlantic